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Getting more mothers into the Mother of Parliaments

MotheRED is a time-limited fund focussed on financially supporting mums to be selected and then elected as Labour Party candidates to stand for Parliament.

Our people

MotheRED is overseen by a board of ambassadors representing every part of the Labour movement, from trade unions and socialist societies to grassroots members and elected officials. We want to ensure that every part of the Labour Party is always on the side of mums – whether in parliament, in employment or in the community!

The ThisMumVotes policies

Every MotheRED candidate is expected to support the ThisMumVotes campaign for policies which support mums. These include reform of the benefits system, ring-fenced paternity leave, flexible working by default and a high quality, affordable and universal childcare system. These policies mean that by backing a MotheRED candidate you are also helping not just put mums at the heart of decision making but also to ensure public policy is on the side of new mums, not working against them.

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